THREE LEVELS of Business Design
Strategic Business Design
Vision &
Strategic Intent,
Brand Attributes,
Strategic Design Thinking,
Customer Focus, Fitness,
Strategic Flexibility,
Balanced Business System
2. Business Model
Value Innovation,
Systemic Innovation 360,
Value Chain Structure,
Customer Acquisition Strategies, Customer Value
Proposition, Competitive Strategies, Stand-Out Strategies,
Business, Revenue Model, Growth Strategies, Sustainability
3. Resources, Systems, Operations
People, Organizations, Systems, Processes, Profitability,
Lean Production , Eco-Design, Cleaner Production |
The process of election of
winners by jury members was designed as both
fun and a
peak-emotional event.
At this photo, the nominees
for the 'Best Innovator' award, with their eyes closed and
containers for
WOW cards in their hands are awaiting for the results of
the election by jury members. The peak emotional event will
culminate in few seconds. |
#business #design #businessdesign #designthinking
#businessmodel #innovation #venture
#startup |