Innompic-style accelerated learning by studying (20%), creating and playing (60%), and watching how others perform (20%)





Contestants study e-Coach and examples to prepare their homework.


Contests learn while creating innovations and playing INNOBALL simulation game with them.


Contests learn by watching other teams performing.

  Accelerated Learning 20-60-20 IG Way IG as a Trend Setter e-Coach Contests Creation Show Innompic Games Accelerated Learning 20-60-20



Vadim Kotelnikov, Founder of Innompic Games

If you stop learning, you stop creating history and become history.

Vadim Kotelnikov



Planet of Loving Creators Innompic Games IG Way

There are no losers in Innompic Games – everyone wins because it is primarily an accelerated learning platform.






Vadim Kotelninkov, Founder, Innompic Games interview: 'The Games are an accelerated way of learning', Hindustan Tines, India

"Innompic Games aim to unlock the potential of people and encourage them towards innovation and helping people globally. These are not merely Games, but can be looked at as an accelerated way of learning."  >>>



5 Basic Elements of Innompic Games

Metal: Innompic constructive competition contests inspire accelerated learning, help to test processes, and produce actionable feedback... More








Ksenia Kotelnikova, eye, Ксюша Котельникова, хитрый глаз

Innompic-style accelerated learning is very effective. Every step of challenge-based learning by doing is inspiring and encouraging.

Ksenia Kotelnikova

Mike Zelin

At Innompic Games, participants learn very fast. Some new teams face more established teams, still, new teams demonstrate creativity and come up with great novel solutions.


Nurdyanah Sulaiman Malaysia team 1st Innompic Games India

We saw other teams' perspective on innovation and we learned a lot from each other in the amazing Innompic all-win constructive competition environment.

Nurdyanah Sulaiman

Mohammad Fiqri, Malaysia, Mister Innovation World award winner, Innompic Games 2018, UniKL

There aren't many Innovation events where we use games and activities to promote and develop innovative thinking. Innompic Games is a prime example that does so.

Mohammad Fiqri

Carolin Ballweg advice

Innompic Games bring people together, understand cultures,  understand each other, and learn from each other.


Vinayak Sharma, Nepal, 1st Innompics Games 2017, International Team, Symbiosis

IG is an immense opportunity to experience and learn many aspects of innovation and entrepreneurship. Minute preparedness while organizing of the events was another learning from IG.


Nurul Natasya, Malaysia, Miss Innovation World, Innompic Games 2018

Innompic Games is a thrilling way to learn, bring about solutions to global problems and infuse passion in youths to make changes and create a difference.




Tenzin Rabgay, Bhutan, Mister Innovation World, 1st Innompic Games 2017, India

IG gave me an opportunity to lead a team composed of participants from 8 countries which was an enriching experience of leading a multi-cultural group, and enhanced my leadership skills.


My-Linh Phan, Vietnam

A student sent me a really endearing note, telling me what she learned in 3 days was more than an entire academic year.



Othman Ismal

We learned so many good things! Now we know how to invent great things and assess capabilities of innovation teams.


Sonam Dekiey, Bhutan

Being a person learning to blossom in this field of technicality, thanks to IG I have stepped on to being more creative, intelligent, and zealous to be an innovative entrepreneur.


Atanas Dimitrov

I loved most artful and joyful presentations by the contestants and the INNOBALL simulation game. I learned that capabilities of loving creators are UNLIMITED!



Farah Izzati, Malaysia, Miss Innovation World 2017, 1st Innompic Games India

Outstanding innovation contests! Innompic Games challenge me to stay creative to make others understand what we are trying to deliver.


Bash Sarmiento, writer, the Philippines

Knowledge-sharing and collaboration are essential skills in a connected world.

Bash Sarmiento

Philippines innovators entrepreneurs



Денис Котельников Инномпийские игры Dennis Kotelnikov Innompic Games

I love the creative and artful, and joyful atmosphere of mutual learning, friendship, and cross-cultural unity of the Innompic Planet of Loving Creators.

Dennis Kotelnikov

Suprima Poudel, Nepal

The best concept is INNOBALL. We realized that events like INNOBALL could enhance academic learning as well if used in classrooms.


Mohamad Rashdan

I have learned so much be it entrepreneurship skills, leadership skills or the creative thinking skill all prove to be useful in my studies.

Mohamad Rashdan

Masha Kalyanova

The Innompic Games are anything but sophisticated. The idea is to invert the normal rhythms of education. I'm sure that the Innompic Games will stumble onto the solution to education mediocrity.


Omar Mohammed, Kenya

At Innompic Games we gain new experiences, build our teamwork skills, and better our communication skills while having fun.

Omar Mohammed

Kenya flag Innompic Games



Adarsh Singh

Innompic Games is not just a competition, it's more than that. Its the thing that brings people together, makes learning fun.

Adarsh Singh

Kyrill Lahminov, Russia, World best inventor, Кирилл Лахминов, Россия, лучший изобретатель мира, Инномпийские игры

Love challenging tasks − they inspire inventions. We can always invent a great way out!

Kyrill Lahminov