Global Impact

Value  &  Benefits

Creation Show


Innompic Games is THE SOLUTION

Global Innovation Accelerator







Global Culture of Innovation Global Innovation Accelerator Innompic Games is THE SOLUTION Accelerated Learning Founder: Vadim Kotelnikov Great Benefits for All Helping People Grow Innoball e-Coach Exposition Actators Resources Advanced Ideation Techniques Team Creativity From Ideas to Profits Virtuoso Marketing Global #1 Creation Show VC Investment Criteria Thinking Tools Synergistic Partnerships

Innompic Games is THE SOLUTION

The are business incubators here and there, but modern globalized economy needs also a global all-inclusive innovation accelerator. Innompic Games is the solution!... More 

All-inclusive Creation Show

Being THE MOST USEFUL SHOW, Innompic Games is not a talk show, it is a creation show! Creation is our divine mission, talk is a byproduct. To be talked about, you must create something truly remarkable first.

Innompic Games help spectators become “intellectual athletes” by:

❶  learning from innovation teams and actators

gaining inspirational insights and associations from show teams: innovation gurus, performing artists

❸  participating in various web-based contests.

Benefits of Innompic Games  >>  for Innoteams    for Spectators    to the World

Civilizational Breakthrough  >>  Mission    Global #1    Innompics vs. Olympics



Constructive Competition

Innompics Games help both participants and spectators learn and grow as victorious innopreneurs who create a brighter future and change the world for the better.

Innompic constructive contests are about Win-Win, not Win-Loose.

Contestants grow through mutually educative intellectual battles, mutual creativity and mutual learning.

Spectators grow by both watching Innompic contests and participating in some of them... More

A-to-Z of Innovation 360

Innompics are MUCH BIGGER than look-like competitors. Invention contests are about mastering the letter "A" of the innovation journey. Innompic contests are about mastering the entire alphabet.

Innompic Training  >>  Breakthrough Innopreneurial Team

Formal Announcement of Innompic Games  >>  Founder's Speech    Innompics World



Accelerated Learning for Innovators Brighter Future Vadim Kotelnikov, Founder of Innompic Games Innoball Loving Creators Blitz Contests Innompic Games is THE SOLUTION Creation Show Helping People Grow Global Innovation Accelerator Empower Yourself to Change the World Dream Big Dreams MAD song How To Create a Better Future for Yourself and Others: INNOMPIC GAMES help loving creaters grow and innovate

Turning People to Loving Creators

Innompic Games help all people around the World awaken their inner genius, become Loving Creators, learn, grow and create a brighter future for others and for themselves.... More

Nurturing Love for Customers

Innovation is about LOVE: love what you do and love your consumers.

Love for customers is the springhead of the cascade of innovations and the river of revenues>>>

Innompic Games boost passionate creation of innovative value for beloved consumers. 

Accelerated Learning by Innovators

Both participants and spectators generate and acquire advanced knowledge. Innompic Games teach how to invent and turn an invention to a successful venture.

Benefits of Innompic Games  >>  for Innoteams    for Spectators    to the World

Learning Benefits  >>  Accelerated Learning by Innovators





Innompic Value Mantra

Learn  Create  Thrive

Helping People Grow

Traditional social networks are primarily horizontal ‒ they help people socialize.

Innompic Games are primarily vertical ‒ they help people grow as Loving Creators and World Changers... More 

Engaging Kids

Innmpic Games help kids develop a value-creation mindset and entrepreneurial creativity skills. Kids are engaged in the Creation Show, contests and special projects like EKICHAWO ‒  Empowered KIds CHAnge the WOrld.... More

Benefits for Spectators Creation Show Innoball Example: Innompic as a Great Creation Show Opportunities for Actators Actators Message to the World Learning Benefits Bebefits of Innompic Games Innompic Contests Innompic Games - engaging internet show