Денис Котельников Инномпийские игры Dennis Kotelnikov Innompic Games

I love the creative and artful, and joyful atmosphere of mutual learning, friendship, and cross-cultural unity of the Innompic Planet of Loving Creators.

Dennis Kotelnikov





Денис Котельников певец Dennis Kotelnikov singer

Dennis Kotelnikov personal logo Dennis Kotelnikov is both the lead and the solo singer of the Innompic anthem 'I Have a Difference To Make!' Dennis is also the leading actor of the Innompic Theatre.



Денис Котельников Инномпийские игры Dennis Kotelnikov Innompic Games

Innompic Games introduced me to new dimensions of growth even in my professional areas of interest as an actor and singer.

Dennis Kotelnikov


Денис Котельников зарубежные гастроли Индия Инномпийский театр Dennis Kotelnikov art of innovation

World IG 2019

Dennis was a members of the International FinUni team at the 3rd World Innompic Games and participated in the 'Mister Innovation World' contest.

See >> 'INNOTEUS Success Story'


Денис Котельников Инномпийские игры Dennis Kotelnikov Innompic Games

I love the harmonious and holistic approach to creativity and the art of innovation that Innompic Games both practice and preach.

Dennis Kotelnikov