Social Network for Loving Creators

 by Peter Chikumba, Zimbabwe



Peter Chikumba, Zimbabwe

Living by:

Love, Integrity, Vision

Peter Chikumba





Facebook has now 2 billion monthly users, Twitter 328 million and Instagram 700 million worldwide users.

Mark did pave the way for many new social media networks. He got one brilliant idea that greatly impacted the humanity. However, other social media channels were created only because their CEOs were smart enough to recognize a good opportunity at the right time. Facebook did all of the hard work and now building a social network website from scratch is a lot easier process than before. Nowadays, creating a social media network can be done quick by following certain unwritten rules and regulations.

Given the above background and associated reality, my course of action would be to work with Vadim and turn INNOMPICS into the world’s greatest social network of the future. The Vision “A planet of loving creators” is there. The planet is waiting for this breakthrough innovation to go live and viral.

~ Peter Chikumba