Message to the World


Ignore what others say about you.




5th World Innompic Games IG 2021 online  

My Dream Job

  Innompic Games entrepreneurial creativity contests all-win constructive competitioninnovation creation show

Socially Responsible Oil & Gas Engineer

Ever since I was a little girl, I dreamt of becoming a pilot. This is because I wanted to travel across the world and meet people from different cultures, but my dream changed after I realised my family’s financial status.

Dream Job essay award certificate Nur Sabrina, KPMSI Malaysia, World Innompic Games 202  

Since then, I wanted to work for a large corporation as an oil and gas engineer. I would be able to help my parents with the salary of an oil and gas engineer. When they are facing financial difficulties, I would be there to assist them and I could certainly fulfill their wishes. I want to take them to fancy restaurants that they could not afford previously at any time they please.

As the first born child, I bear one of the most important responsibilities in helping my family. I wish to provide necessities for my siblings so that their studies would be more comfortable and I want to give back to others as well.

Not only can I help my parents, but I can contribute to society too. I want to make donations to orphanages and provide the children with sufficient basic needs such as food, clothes, books and even toys for the younger ones. I would like them to feel as if they were not abandoned and live their lives to the fullest.

As cliche as it seems, not everyone can provide support for society. Furthermore, I want to be the person who brings hope to others no matter what they are going through and teach them that it is a phase in life which will eventually pass.

Why did I not mention traveling the world? Because the older and more mature I become, the more I realise that the world is right in front of our eyes. Help those in need and they will show you a world you never knew existed.

Alas it is just a dream job and we all know that dreaming is free. What matters most is achieving our goal and how the chapters of our lives will end.

~ Nur Sabrina Binti Kamaruzaman