
Blitz  ●  Innoball  ●  GPS

Contests for Spectators


Relay of Innompic Messages to the World



Assessment  >>  Winners



Innompics are
intellectual all-inclusive games.

While Olympic Games are preceded by
an exclusive Innompic Torch Relay,

Innompic Games are preceded by
an all-inclusive Relay of
Innompic Messages to the World


Innompics: Participation Opportunities for Actators - Active Spectators About Innompics Kore 10 advices to aspiring innompreneurs Dennis Kotelnikov I Have a Difference to Make! Emfographics Innompic Torch Web-Relay Best Messages to the World Smartness contests Innompics - Innompic Web Games - Partiicipation Opportunities for Actators - Active Spectators

The Relay of Innompic Messages to the World


celebrate the driving forces of the modern World and stretch them

allow spectators not just watch others shine, but also participate in various entrepreneurial creativity contests and shine globally

provide advanced learning opportunities for those who want to create something new, especially radically new

are more fun to watch and participate



Innoball, an entrepreneurial simulation game, powered by Kore 10 Innovative Thinking Tools (10KITT)

helps to strengthen a breakthrough venture and its team sharply  ‒ within few hours!


Making Innompic Games a Popular Global Creation Show

Innovative Thinking Tools - Flashlight Kore 10

Too little limelight

Innompic Games are not promoted as a global show prominently enough.




Kore 10 Innovative Thinking Tools: TROPHY

Creating a better bait

Innompic Games as positioned as a Creation Show and differentiated from talk shows as a show for achievers, and from Olympics as a show that allows spectators to participate in contests.

Kore 10 Innovative Thinking Tool: Balloon

Too low air pressure

Innompics are supposed to be an all-engaging global show, yet too many people are not moved by the ideas and inventions played with.




Kore 10 Innovative Thinking Tool: Fishing Rod

Creating a better bait

The pre--game contest-cum-show "Innompic Torch Relay" is added.

The final contest is added: For a given pressing global problem, find creative solutions and opportunities.  >>>

Kore 10 Innovative Thinking Tool: Balloon

Too low air pressure

It's difficult for spectators to compare smartnerss of different teams because they play with  different inventions.




Kore 10 Innovative Thinking Tool: Fishing Rod

Creating a better bait

In the final Innoball game

In future, each team will play with its invention two or more games against different teams, thus the spectators could compare different project development scenarios and smartness of different teams. In addition, they will learn more




Trademark Names for Participants >> Differentiation + Belonging

Sound formal announcement

1-minute video presentation of teams

Involvement of Internet spectators

Innompic torch web-relay >>  + Message to the World

Revealing true names of the winners of contests as an emotional show

Innossadors - what?


Summary of the Improvements Made thanks to the Innoball Game